Understanding the Privacy Notice Form BC

BC privacy laws require that anyone collecting another person's personal information must have a reasonable purpose for doing so. This purpose must be disclosed and explicit consent must be obtained before collecting, using and sharing another person's personal information. Personal information means any identifiable information about a person, and may include his/her name, address, phone number or financial information. When it comes to real estate, personal information may also include information about someone's property (such as listing and selling price, lease rate, listing term, etc.).

BCREA developed the Privacy Notice and Consent form as a tool to make it easier for REALTORS® to disclose why and how they will gather personal information from a consumer. Since privacy laws dictate that consumers must be told - and consent to - how their personal information will be used before this information is collected, REALTORS® should provide the Privacy Notice and Consent form in advance of receiving/collecting personal information through other forms like a Multiple Listing Contract or Contract of Purchase and Sale.
Why doesn't the Realtor need to sign the form? 
Is it only the consumers that need to date it when they sign it or is the Realtor expected to date it as well when they complete it?

The Privacy Notice and Consent form is meant to provide disclosure to and gain consent from a consumer regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the consumer's personal information. The consumer is required to sign and date the form as evidence that the disclosure has been made and the consumer has consented to the Realtor using the consumer's personal information. The name of the designated agent and the brokerage should be included in the form as the person receiving the consent, but the Realtor does not need to sign or date the form.

Port Moody Events - September 2017

Posted on Sep 25, 2017

Culture Days

Culture Days is a collaborative Canada-wide, volunteer movement to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities.
Every year, on the Culture Days weekend, thousands of artists, individuals, organizations and communities offer free, hands-on, interactiv...

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Styling your Home - Not Staging.

Posted on Sep 12, 2017

Staging suggests a home devoid of personality and charm which is what most home stagers recommend.

Styling your home creates an atmosphere that will get the buyer emotionally attached and have them thinking about your home long after the showing.
You want the buyers to picture themselves living there. You want them to feel a connection to the home. H...

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When is the best time to buy or sell your home?

Posted on Aug 16, 2017

As a rule of thumb, the best time to but or sell is when you are ready to buy or sell.However, there has been some research done by several companies taking into account data gathered from customers and sale numbers.

Timing can be everything. And choosing the right time to buy or sell a home could save you tens of thousands of dollars, according to...

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To thine own self be true...In Beauty

Posted on Aug 08, 2017

Go big or go home!. In designs... You have those that call themselves Minimalists and those who refer to themselves as Maximalists.
While I don't believe there are any hard and fast rules about trends... The only rule I believe is in bring yourself.
As with clothing, never find yourself underdressed for any occasion and the same rules apply to your...

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Lola Oduwole

AHOM Realty Group

2300-2850 Shaughnessy St  Port Coquitlam,  BC  V3C 6K5 

Phone: BC: 604.809.6317 / ONT: 289 .439.5472


Office Info

AHOM Realty Group

2300-2850 Shaughnessy St  Port Coquitlam,  BC  V3C 6K5 

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