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Nestled at the base of Burke Mountain in Coquitlam, residents here enjoy a private setting that seems miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city center, a mere 5 minutes away. It’s an outdoor lovers dream; From hiking trails along the scenic Coquitlam River, to the fish and wildlife of Oxbow Lake, to the swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts at the River Springs Recreation Centre, there’s plenty of reasons to enjoy the outdoors.
River Springs is ranked #1 of the Best neighborhoods to live in Coquitlam.
Data | Percent |
Chinese | 12.7% |
South Asian | 8.1% |
Filipino | 5.0% |
West Asian | 4.7% |
Latin American | 3.7% |
Data | Percent |
China | 6.0% |
India | 4.2% |
Philippines | 2.8% |
South Korea | 1.9% |
Iran | 1.9% |
To ensure HPI coverage is consistent and comparable, historical aggregate and composite data has been recalculated based on revised and consistent coverage.
BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5 ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 ,