Queensborough, New Westminster Neighborhood Profiles

Housing Market Report for March 2021
Current Queensborough MLS® stats indicate an average house price of $896,244 and 62 new listings in the last 56 days. As of today, Queensborough housing data shows median days on market for a home is 20 days.
What is the average home price in Queensborough, New Westminster, BC?
According to current New Westminster MLS© statistics, the average home listing price in the Queensborough neighbourhood is $928,000, which is the same as the average home price in New Westminster.

What are nearby neighbourhoods to Queensborough, New Westminster, BC?
The closest neighbourhoods to Queensborough include Uptown Nw and The Heights Nw. Out of the nearby neighbourhoods, 
The Heights Nw has the highest average home price of $1,334,000 and Uptown Nw has the most affordable average home price of $545,000.

Where does Queensborough rank among other New Westminster neighbourhoods?
Based upon current MLS© data, Queensborough ranks #9 out of 13 neighbourhoods in New Westminster. This ranking is based on sold home data in Queensborough, including how quickly homes are selling and for how much.

Where is Queensborough?

Referred to as ‘Boro by the locals, the Queensborough neighbourhood of New Westminster is traditionally rural, industrial & diverse, and is located on the far north-east corner of Lulu Island.

Connected to New Westminster by the Queensborough Bridge, New West’s southern most neighbourhood is surrounded by the north arm of the Fraser River, Salter Street to the east, South Dyke Road & Annacis Channel to the south and Boundary Road to the west.

  • Queensborough has a Livability Score of 81/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Queensborough crime rates are 35% lower than the New Westminster average
  • Cost of living in Queensborough is 8% higher than the New Westminster average
  • Queensborough real estate prices are 20% higher than the New Westminster average
  • Rental prices in Queensborough are equal to the New Westminster average
How many homes are for sale in Queensborough?
There are 45 homes for sale in Queensborough right now, including 10 detached houses, 19 condos and 13 townhomes. Based on Queensborough housing inventory, the average home is listed on the market for 22 days and has a 99.1% selling to listing price ratio

Queensborough Demographics

  • The population density in Queensborough is 13% lower than New Westminster
  • The median age in Queensborough is 10% lower than New Westminster
  • In Queensborough 37.98% of the population is South Asian
  • In Queensborough 15.86% of the population is Filipino
  • In Queensborough 13.60% of the population is Chinese

Visible Minority Population

South Asian38.0%
Southeast Asian1.9%

Immigrants By Place Of Birth

Hong Kong1.9%
StatisticQueensboroughNew WestminsterBritish Columbia
Population density (sq km)4,3264,9825
Median age36.941.042.3
Male/Female ratio1.0:11.0:11.0:1
Married couples79%67%71%
Families w/ kids at home58%39%41%
Speak English only90.5%89.6%89.7%
Speak French only0.1%0.1%0.0%

chat with upward trend Real Estate Market Performance

Benchmark Price: The price of a “typical” home that would sell in the area at a specific point in time.

Days on Market Average: Gives us an idea of how quickly homes are selling.

Sales-to-Active Ratio: Helps determine whether it’s a seller’s, buyer’s or balanced market. Compares how many homes have sold in an area versus the amount of total active listings.

We use these statistics as indicators that tell us how the market is trending and how to value your home


Get In Touch

Lola Oduwole

AHOM Realty Group

2300-2850 Shaughnessy St  Port Coquitlam,  BC  V3C 6K5 

Phone: BC: 604.809.6317 / ONT: 289 .439.5472


Office Info

AHOM Realty Group

2300-2850 Shaughnessy St  Port Coquitlam,  BC  V3C 6K5 

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