Eagle Ridge, Coquitlam | Neighbourhood Profile

Housing Market Report for March 2021
Current Eagle Ridge CQ MLS® stats indicate an average house price of $1,093,857 and 16 new listings in the last 56 days. As of today, Eagle Ridge CQ housing data shows median days on market for a home is 13 days.
Where is Eagle Ridge?
Eagle Ridge is a suburb close to Westwood plateau and is one of Coquitlam’s older neighborhoods with the ages of the homes in the neighborhood dating as far back as 1998. Most of the homes are Detached with Townhouses, Apartment/Condos, Co-Op Housing and Duplexes.
It is also home to the Coquitlam Crunch, a 2.25 hiking trail and the Eagle Ridge Hospital

What is the average home price in Eagle Ridge CQ, Coquitlam, BC?

According to current Coquitlam MLS© statistics, the average home listing price in the Eagle Ridge CQ neighbourhood is $866,000, which is 41% below the average home price in Coquitlam.

Property Types
Eagle Ridge Cq Houses
Eagle Ridge Cq Townhouses
Eagle Ridge Cq Condos
  • Eagle Ridge has a Livability Score of 78/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Eagle Ridge crime rates are 1% higher than the Coquitlam average
  • Cost of living in Eagle Ridge is 3% lower than the Coquitlam average
  • Eagle Ridge real estate prices are 6% lower than the Coquitlam average
  • Rental prices in Eagle Ridge are equal to the Coquitlam average

What are nearby neighbourhoods to Eagle Ridge CQ, Coquitlam, BC?

The closest neighbourhoods to Eagle Ridge CQ include Scott Creek, Ranch Park, North Coquitlam and Westwood Plateau. Out of the nearby neighbourhoods, Scott Creek has the highest average home price of $1,798,000 and North Coquitlam has the most affordable average home price of $696,000.

Where does Eagle Ridge CQ rank among other Coquitlam neighbourhoods?

Based upon current MLS© data, Eagle Ridge CQ ranks #3 out of 20 neighbourhoods in Coquitlam. This ranking is based on sold home data in Eagle Ridge CQ, including how quickly homes are selling and for how much.
  • The population density in Eagle Ridge is 180% higher than Coquitlam
  • The median age in Eagle Ridge is 9% higher than Coquitlam
  • In Eagle Ridge 24.67% of the population is Chinese
  • In Eagle Ridge 9.00% of the population is West Asian
  • In Eagle Ridge 3.44% of the population is South Asian

Visible Minority Population

West Asian9.0%
South Asian3.4%

Immigrants By Place Of Birth

Hong Kong3.6%
South Korea2.7%

Top Rated Schools In Eagle Ridge

Eagle Ridge ElementaryKG - 5n/a65%
Gleneagle Secondary9 - 12n/an/a
Scott Creek Middle School6 - 8n/an/a

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Lola Oduwole


BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5  ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 , 

Phone: BC: 604.809.6317 / ONT: 289 .439.5472


Office Info


BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5  ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 , 

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