College Park (Port Moody South) Neighborhood Info 

Population: 6,506
Where is College Park? College Park Port Moody is an established area in Pomo at the bottom of Burnaby Mountain. It has easy access to Barnet Highway and all amenities in the heart of the city.TThese neighborhoods are predominantly residential and contain a mix of single family homes, town houses and apartments with some commercial development on Clarke Rd.

Several of these areas are adjacent to the Suncor Refinery LandsPort Moody South consists of College Park, Glenayre and Moody Centre 


  • Anmore: Anmore is a ritzy area of Port Moody with many large mansion style homes, in a peaceful and quiet neighbourhood.
  • Barber Street: Barber Street is a small subarea off of Ioco consisting of detached homes close to the Burrard Inlet
  • Belcarra: Belcarra is almost it’s own city, and is a large subarea with many estates hidden among the trees and along the water.
  • College Park PM: College Park is located on the West Side of Port Moody with easy access to Barnet Highway.
  • Glenayre: Glenayre is detached home neighbourhood bordering North Road and Clarke Road at the base of Burnaby Mountain.
  • Heritage Mountain: Heritage Mountain is on the North side of Port Moody, with many homes offering beautiful views.
  • Heritage Woods PM: Heritage Woods is a neighbourhood typically with larger homes that extend all the way up the mountain.
  • Mountain Meadows: Mountain Meadows is a small residential neighbourhood with easy access to amenities and school.
  • North Shore Pt Moody: North Shore Port Moody is considered one of the downtown areas of the city with shops and transit.
  • Port Moody Centre: Port Moody Centre is a neighbourhood with easy access to transit, shops, parks, and recreation.

College Park Livability

  • College Park has a Livability Score of 81/100, which is considered exceptional
  • College Park crime rates are 3% higher than the Port Moody average
  • Cost of living in College Park is 1% lower than the Port Moody average
  • College Park real estate prices are 2% lower than the Port Moody average
  • Rental prices in College Park are equal to the Port Moody average

College Park Demographics

  • The population density in College Park is 13% higher than Port Moody
  • The median age in College Park is 1% lower than Port Moody
  • In College Park 7.80% of the population is Chinese
  • In College Park 5.41% of the population is South Asian
  • In College Park 3.11% of the population is Filipino

Visible Minority Population

South Asian5.4%
Latin American2.8%

Immigrants By Place Of Birth

South Korea2.5%
United Kingdom1.9%

StatisticCollege ParkPort MoodyBritish Columbia
Population density (sq km)1,5301,3495
Median age39.940.542.3
Male/Female ratio1.0:11.0:11.0:1
Married couples71%74%71%
Families w/ kids at home52%49%41%
Speak English only88.3%89.4%89.7%
Speak French only0.1%0.1%0.0%

Office Info


BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5  ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 , 

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