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The closest neighbourhoods to Central Pt Coquitlam include Mary Hill, Glenwood Pq, Citadel Pq and Oxford Heights. Out of the nearby neighbourhoods,
Oxford Heights has the highest average home price of $1,336,000 and Glenwood Pq has the most affordable average home price of $876,000.
Data | Percent |
Chinese | 9.9% |
Filipino | 5.9% |
South Asian | 4.8% |
West Asian | 2.7% |
Latin American | 2.6% |
Data | Percent |
Philippines | 5.3% |
China | 3.3% |
United Kingdom | 2.2% |
Iran | 2.0% |
South Korea | 1.8% |
Name | Grades | Students | Proficiency |
KG - 5 | n/a | 23% | |
KG - 5 | n/a | n/a | |
6 - 8 | n/a | n/a | |
9 - 12 | n/a | n/a | |
PK - PK | n/a | n/a |
There are 69 homes for sale in Central Pt Coquitlam right now, including 5 detached houses, 61 condos and 3 townhomes. Based on Central Pt Coquitlam housing inventory, the average home is listed on the market for 28 days and has a 98.6% selling to listing price ratio
Based upon current MLS© data, Central Pt Coquitlam ranks #8 out of 10 neighbourhoods in Port Coquitlam. This ranking is based on sold home data in Central Pt Coquitlam, including how quickly homes are selling and for how much.
Benchmark Price: The price of a “typical” home that would sell in the area at a specific point in time.
Days on Market Average: Gives us an idea of how quickly homes are selling.
Sales-to-Active Ratio: Helps determine whether it’s a seller’s, buyer’s or balanced market. Compares how many homes have sold in an area versus the amount of total active listings.
We use these statistics as indicators that tell us how the market is trending and how to value your home
BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5 ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 ,