Cape Horn ... is a subarea in Coquitlam that is South of Central Coquitlam and East of MaillardvilleThe area consists of detached homes with relatively easy access to the highway/freeway. The four neighborhoods located on the eastern side of Coquitlam Mundy / Cape Horn include Ranch Park, Meadow Brook, Coquitlam East and Cape Horn.  All of these neighborhoods are family oriented, close to transit and shopping.

MLS Search - Cape Horn Listings 

What is the average home price in Cape Horn, Coquitlam, BC?
According to current Coquitlam MLS© statistics, the average home listing price in the Cape Horn neighbourhood is $1,254,000, which is 15% below the average home price in Coquitlam.
Where is Cape Horn?
Cape Horn is a subarea in Coquitlam that is South of Central Coquitlam and East of Maillardville. The area consists of detached homes with relatively easy access to the highway/freeway.

What is the average home price in Cape Horn, Coquitlam, BC?
According to current Coquitlam MLS© statistics, the average home listing price in the Cape Horn neighbourhood is $1,677,000, which is 25% above the average home price in Coquitlam.

What are nearby neighbourhoods to Cape Horn, Coquitlam, BC?
The closest neighbourhoods to Cape Horn include Central Coquitlam, Coquitlam East, Ranch Park and Scott Creek. Out of the nearby neighbourhoods, Scott Creek has the highest average home price of $1,798,000 and Coquitlam East has the most affordable average home price of $1,244,000.

How many homes are for sale in Cape Horn?
There are 5 homes for sale in Cape Horn right now, including 5 detached houses, 0 condos and 0 townhomes.

Where does Cape Horn rank among other Coquitlam neighbourhoods?
Based upon current MLS© data, Cape Horn ranks #12 out of 20 neighbourhoods in Coquitlam. This ranking is based on sold home data in Cape Horn, including how quickly homes are selling and for how much.
  • Cape Horn has a Livability Score of 77/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Cape Horn crime rates are 15% lower than the Coquitlam average
  • Cost of living in Cape Horn is 5% higher than the Coquitlam average
  • Cape Horn real estate prices are 10% higher than the Coquitlam average
  • Rental prices in Cape Horn are equal to the Coquitlam average

Cape Horn Demographics

  • The population density in Cape Horn is 124% higher than Coquitlam
  • The median age in Cape Horn is 6% higher than Coquitlam
  • In Cape Horn 13.51% of the population is Chinese
  • In Cape Horn 8.96% of the population is South Asian
  • In Cape Horn 4.54% of the population is Korean

Visible Minority Population

South Asian9.0%
West Asian2.3%

Immigrants By Place Of Birth

South Korea3.8%
United Kingdom2.0%
Hong Kong1.8%

Cape Horn Transit

The closest Sky train station to Cape Horn is Braid and Lougheed. The Evergreen line does not cross through Cape Horn.


Translink and Coast Mountain Bus Service (CMBS) provide the City of Coquitlam with public transit and trip planning. View current alertsfares and passes, and transit system maps for more information.

Transit schedules

There are several Sky Train stations that serve the City of Coquitlam.

Coquitlam is served by TransLink, which is responsible for both public transit and major roads.

The city has four SkyTrain stations on the Millennium Line that are a part of the 10.9 km (6.8 mi) long Evergreen Extension. With a project cost of $1.4 billion, the line runs from the Coquitlam City Centre area, through Coquitlam Central Station and into Port Moody, re-entering Coquitlam on North Road and finally joining the existing Millennium Line at Lougheed Town Centre.

There is regular bus service on numerous lines running throughout the city and connecting it to other municipalities in Metro Vancouver, with a major exchange at Coquitlam Central Station.

The West Coast Express, with a stop at Coquitlam Central Station, provides commuter rail service west to downtown Vancouver and east as far as Mission. WCE operates Monday to Friday only (excluding holidays), with five trains per day running to Vancouver in the morning peak hours and returning through Coquitlam in the evening peak hours.

View Translink’s schedules below for all their transportation options:

Cape Horn Schools
Private Schools in Coquitlam
School Name Street_Address City Province
 Canyon Springs Montessori School 2910 Walton Ave. 
Map It Coquitlam  BC 
 Children of Integrity Montessori Academy 2541 Quay Place 
Map It Coquitlam BC 
Our Lady of Fatima 315 Walker Street
Coquitlam BC
V3K 4C7 
Map It Coquitlam BC 
Our Lady of Assumption 2255 Fraser Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 6G8 
Map It Coquitlam BC 
Archbishop Carney 1335 Dominion Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC
V3B 8G7
Map It Coquitlam BC 
 Traditional Learning Academy 1189 Rochester Avenue 
Map It Coquitlam BC 

Get In Touch

Lola Oduwole


BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5  ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 , 

Phone: BC: 604.809.6317 / ONT: 289 .439.5472

Office Info


BC: 2300-2850 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6K5  ONT: 236 Lake shore Boulevard E. Oakville, Ontario. L6J 1M9 , 

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